Peer Review
Post-publication open peer review

Stephen Wolfram, "A Class of Models with the Potential to Represent Fundamental Physics"

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Jonathan Gorard, "Some Relativistic and Gravitational Properties of the Wolfram Model"

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Jonathan Gorard, "Some Quantum Mechanical Properties of the Wolfram Model"

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Stephen Wolfram, "Chapter 9: Fundamental Physics", A New Kind of Science (2002)

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Stephen Wolfram, "Event Horizons, Singularities and Other Exotic Spacetime Phenomena"

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Stephen Wolfram, "Exploring Rulial Space: The Case of Turing Machines"

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Jonathan Gorard, "A Candidate Geometrical Formalism for the Foundations of Mathematics and Physics"

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Jonathan Gorard, "A Short Note on the Double-Slit Experiment and Other Quantum Interference Effects in the Wolfram Model"

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Stephen Wolfram, "The Empirical Metamathematics of Euclid and Beyond"

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Max Piskunov, "Local Multiway Systems: A New Approach to Wolfram Model Evolution"

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Max Piskunov, "Confluence and Causal Invariance"

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